so funny japanese tv news...
this is very funny traditional festival in aichi japan. the history of the ridiculous festival is over 1300years they said. they are very serious for the festival. so i should stop laughing..... but another funny thing is the newscaster woman's voice...she has tried to stop laughing. she seemed agitated. she is almost eating her hair.... i cannot stop laughing....
so good,,,
it's a double chinko!
looks pretty real, detailed
sorry for the newscaster lady, (or not)
you have lots of time on your hands it seems ;)
great job Chizu, so nice to have you part of the blog fun!
it will be great to have you hear, and be able to read your english writting~
this is fuckign hilarious!
oh my god,
i dont know if i want to fuck the reporter in the mouth, or pull the hair out at the end...
the litte girl rubing the head of the dick statue os so wrong....
god i love it!
thank you guys. i'm glad that you guys love my blog;) i will try to keep writing, even my english is funny...
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